Our Services
Please visit protrustconsulting.co.uk for our full range of services
We offer; Legal, Business and Consultancy services
We have a dedicated service to cover all aspects of estate planning. The specific services often start with basic Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. However, expertise and experience is key to ensuring that your basic wishes are protected. Trust advice is essential in most cases. Best service involves a continuing need to review on a regular ongoing basis, at intervals that are set by you. It is not usually just about one Will, it is ensuring that you are kept up to date on the law, tax and trends to give you full peace of mind.
The majority of professionally prepared family Wills contain trust provisions. The public are increasingly aware of the need to have correct management and administration of them. Trust Registration is required for most trusts by September 2022. Please ensure they are reviewed and action taken. We are here to provide all advice and support to Trustees and Beneficiaries.
From advice on the Inheritance Tax process, to assisting with Probate, our experienced team has all the necessary expertise to help you as executors or beneficiaries with the administration process for a Will or Intestacy. We have a fast, smooth and efficient process that reduces the strain for those involved in what can be an essentially sensitive and stressful time.