In these unprecedented times, we have been shifted from easy routines and creature comforts. Many people have suffered terribly with the illness and others with economic and financial instability and loss. Our thoughts remain with all those suffering and affected in these times.

This past year, we have seen increasing numbers of requests for advice on reviewing or updating Wills and to setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney. Even with the current lockdown situation we are still able to advise and organise execution of valid documents.

Meetings in Person and Video Calls

To help give best advice, we have seen it as essential to meet our clients in person – and of course this is one very enjoyable aspect for us in our role.

During lockdown times, it is only right that, where at all possible, we continue to offer to visit our clients at their home where they wish or need us to do so. Maximum care is taken as to maintaining social distancing, sanitisation and ensuring that our clients and others are fully safe.  We know that our clients appreciate us being able to come to see them at home and we will continue to do so as long as we are permitted. So we can and still do conduct meetings in person when it is practical and possible to do so.

However, many of the problems of the lack of face-to-face meetings have been overcome by growth in the use of video call technology. Although nothing beats meeting in person, this is a particularly useful way of helping people to carry out an effective review. We generally use Zoom, MS Teams or Skype depending on which is easier for our clients and intend to still offer meetings this way once out of lockdown.

Benefits of video-call meetings in our areas of work:

Being able to ‘meet’ other involved parties, such as children or parents of our clients. In the normal course, many clients would like their adult children or even parents to be involved in discussions and to provide help and support. Where time/logistics would previously restrict attendance, they can now easily ‘attend’. This is useful in all aspects of our work. From discussing trust protections and Wills to Lasting Powers of Attorney with family members in roles as attorneys. In Estate and Trust Administration it can be very helpful to take the whole family through the contents of a Will ‘reading’ or running through estate and Inheritance Tax Accounts.

Sharing documents: using the video-call functions we can share documents and all involved on the video-call to view them. In estate planning, our clients can follow the notes s we take them on screen and this helps to ensure the information taken is fully accurate as it is inputted. Running through draft Wills and documents – clients are taken through their drafts on screen and they can follow from the comfort of their home whilst we explain the ins and outs of a Will, LPA or trust.

Facilities for execution of legal documents by video-call: During the coronavirus lockdown, the Government has permitted the Wills and LPA execution processes to be fully conducted by recorded video-call meetings.  There is a defined process for this but it does avoid the need for any face to face meetings during this period whilst ensuring a valid document.

Creating a fully accurate Record: We like to give our clients the option of us recording video-call meetings and saving them as records of meetings which can be easily stored to our client’s file. The audio file can usually be emailed to clients if requested. This means that the advice we give and the instructions taken can be recorded and replayed which can very much help families in their estate planning and assist them and us in reviewing in future years.

General Use: The lockdowns have necessitated an acceleration of general acceptance and use of video-call technology such that many people are more comfortable with using this and likewise they really do benefit from doing so. From our point of view, we can continue to undertake work effectively and with an enhanced service.


Robert Cartmell Consulting - Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning

If you’d like a chat to see how I can help, please get in touch.